Bonus: Free Time-Blocking Template

Today I’m going to show you a daily planning method that some of the world’s most successful people have sworn by.

If you struggle with staying focused and constantly get distracted, this method will be game-changer for you…

It definitely was for me.

The method I’m talking about is called “time-blocking.”

And it can skyrocket your productivity.

Time-blocking is also crucial if you want to make a habit of doing DEEP WORK, which is the ability to focus without distraction on your tasks, projects, and goals.

Here’s how it works:

  • Time-blocking is a productivity technique that involves breaking up your day into specific blocks or chunks of time—each dedicated to a specific task or activity. Time blocks range in length from as little as 15 minutes to as much as 3 hours, depending on what you’re working on.
  • The real purpose—and power—of time-blocking is this: it helps you become more productive + effective by focusing your attention on ONE task/project/goal/action at a time, while also giving you a clear sense of how much time you’re spending on each task.
  • When you use time blocking, what you’re basically doing is creating a structured daily schedule—a schedule that helps you minimize distractions, avoid multitasking, and stay focused on what matters most.


Download your free time-blocking template here.

(Be sure to save and print multiple copies to use daily)

How to use the time-blocking template

Follow the steps below to start using time-blocking for deep work:

  1. Identify your Big 3. On the right-hand section of your time-blocking template, you’ll see a header marked Big 3. This is where you write down your top priorities or most important tasks for each day. Simply decide on the tasks that are most important to accomplish each day, and prioritize them in your Big 3 accordingly. Your Big 3 can include personal or professional actions. Take a look at the goals you’ve set for yourself using our previous planning methods and choose what matters most.
  2. Break down your tasks. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This will help you allocate an appropriate amount of time for each task and make progress on larger projects and long-term goals.
  3. Schedule your time blocks. Plan your day by allocating specific time blocks for each task or activity. Consider how long each task will take, and create your time blocks accordingly. To write out your time blocks, simply allocate where you want each time block to be, label it with what you’re working on, and draw a slim box around it. Place lengthy projects with multiple actions in your Big 3, and draw an arrow from your time block to its next actions in your Big 3.

If you want to take a deeper dive into time-blocking, check out the Deep Work course, in which I break down the entire process of time-blocking, step-by-step… Including how I’ve leveraged time-blocking to: build multiple 7-figure businesses, accomplish more in less time, and stay focused on my most meaningful goals.

Go deeper with the Deep Work course


If you want to beat distraction + procrastination and start cultivating deep focus + peak performance in your personal + professional life—join the Deep Work course today.

Inside, you’ll learn:

  • The science behind distraction and how it hijacks your productivity.
  • Proven rituals to create distraction-free work environments.
  • Time-blocking techniques to maximize your focus sessions
  • Strategies for building long-term “deep work” habits that stick.

You’ll also receive access to the course member dashboard with audio + video lessons, along with actionable exercises + worksheets to simplify your implementation of the deep work habit.

Regular price: $294.00
Limited time only: $275.00

Register For The Deep Work Course »

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