Be Diligent and Consistent

The most challenging aspect of the Compound Effect is that we have to keep working away for a while, consistently and efficiently, before we can begin to see the payoff.

— Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

Repeating simple daily disciplines has major payoffs, while repeating simple errors in judgment creates problems and leads you away from success. 

If you want to radically change any area of your life, all you really need to do is commit to taking a series of small steps—consistently and over a long enough period of time to see the changes come to fruition.

You won’t find success sitting on your couch wishing for it. 

You’ve got to do the hard work and stay consistent at it—even when you aren’t seeing results.

Eventually, you’ll see the payoff…

Once you finally do start seeing the results you’re after, keep this in mind:

It can get easy to take success for granted and start slacking off once you start seeing positive results… DO NOT DO THIS. 

You’ll take major steps backwards in doing so that will be difficult to regain.

Instead of letting off the gas when you start seeing positive results, take it as a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. Then, put things in high gear and keep up the momentum!

Let go of your need for instant gratification and remember – there’s no such thing as an overnight success. Change can be hard. Success can be hard. So work hard and be patient with yourself—knowing it’ll all pay off in the long run.

Actionable insights

Grab a pen and pad and write down your answers to the following questions:

  • What are three excuses you’re currently holding on to that you know aren’t contributing to your growth and success? Commit to overcoming them through hard work and personal development. Here are some example excuses:

    • “I’m not smart enough to …”
    • “I can’t do insert goal here because I don’t have enough money.”
    • “I wish I could start insert goal here but I just don’t have enough time.”

  • What are three small steps you can start taking every day to shift your life in a better direction? For example, could you:

    • start a new workout routine?
    • begin reading for 10 minutes a day?
    • call or text one old friend each week just to say Hi and connect?

  • What are three small things you can stop doing that might be hindering your success? For example, could you:

    • stop watching Netflix every night?
    • stop drinking soda?
    • stop being late to meetings?

  • Once you’ve answered the questions above, don’t let your responses just sit there on paper. Bring them to LIFE, by taking action on them—diligently and consistently.

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