Lesson 3. Motion leads to motivation

Welcome back to Methods to Motivation, a free multi-part course on how to gain + maintain motivation. Here’s what we’ve covered so far:

  • 1. Clarify what you want
  • 2. Internalize your motivation

Now, let’s dive into lesson 3…

Motion leads to motivation

Take a moment to picture in your mind what a person with NO motivation actually looks like, physically…

If a person is unmotivated, how do they stand?

How do they sit?

Do they have good posture or bad posture?

Now imagine what a totally motivated person looks like

How does a motivated person stand?

Close and narrow, or open and upright?

How does a motivated person walk?

Head held low, or head held high?

How does a motivated person sit, speak, and behave?

Take a moment to really think about it.

What if I told you that you could instantly motivate yourself by mimicking the images of a motivated person that you just pictured in your mind’s eye?

Motion leads to motivation. 

Stagnation does not.

Sloth-like posture doesn’t either.

If you want to get motivated, learn to control your physiological state.

The idea here is to shift your state.

You do that with your body:

– Move like you move when you’re motivated

– Stand like you stand when you’re motivated

– Walk like you walk when you’re motivated

– Talk like you talk when you’re motivated

How to apply this method

When you move like a motivated person, you increase your likelihood of actually feeling like a motivated person. To apply this method in your own life, try this:

💡 First, figure out what kinds of movements you naturally make when you’re feeling motivated…

💡 Then, do those things and your mind will follow your body.

In other words: if you’re not feeling motivated, behave as if you are and watch the motivation come back.

Here’s my silly—but effective—process for using my body to elevate my motivation:

– I hop in place a few times

– Clap my hands

– And yell out, “WOOOOOO!” at the top of my lungs like Rick Flair.

Of course, this won’t work for everyone.

But how will you know whether it works for YOU until you give it a shot?

Wanna take a deeper dive?

Check out my new 30-day program, Month of Motivation.


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